Sunday, December 5, 2010

Holiday parties can be so delightful!

Ally, Dixie and Anna
Last night a couple of my gal pals and I went to a holiday Christmas party, and it was quite the night. The party was hosted by a company that offers services to the doctors in the area where I live, since I work with these doctors I am also invited to the party. Of course when we go out we spare no effort in out attire, the gals and I were sharply dressed and looking great.  This is definitely the most fun part! Aside from the small group of people that I go with I don’t really know anyone else there, so there ends up being quite a lot more entertainment than the hired DJ.  One of my favorite things to do at a party like this is people watch. And there was an array of interesting behavior and attire.

Now, we have all gone to a holiday party at some time or another and there is always that person that seems to have been drinking too much, or sometimes we are the person who has been drinking way too much, but either way it isn’t a true holiday till there is someone dancing on the table or falling off their seat.  We can only hope that someone is taking pictures or video for those who accidentally drank enough to cloud or eliminate their memory functions. I did take a few pictures last night, but I didn’t manage to waste any digital film on the drunken entertainment, I just took a few to get some proof about how great we looked.
Last night we saw a  girl who resembled a drunk bunny rabbit, a guy who did a crotch grab while he was break dancing and the girl whose breast were very, well they were just huge, I don’t have anything clever to say, and everyone was staring at them not just me. I thought she would possibly give herself or one of us a black eye while she was bouncing around on the dance floor. Which happened to be a very dangerous place, not only did you have to watch out for rouge mega boobs flying at you , but there was also the guy who had to do the electric slide, but the opposite direction that everyone else was doing it. So while we were all watching our feet trying to get the steps down, all of a sudden you would be getting run over by a large man who didn’t seem to realize he was going the wrong way.

We actually saw a guy in a Rastafarian beanie and some sort of silk smock looking out fit, very interesting! He seemed to like the cherry cobbler. My favorite outfit of the night was a black sweater and blue jeans and the holiday cheer was found in the tall stripper style platform zebra print boots. In all fairness I was wearing a leopard print dress, so I don’t have much room to talk, how ever, I was trying to decide how the outfit was formulated. Did she just get off of work? Was she wearing the jeans and top and decide, hmmm how can I spruce this out fit up? Or maybe she was dared by a fellow co-worker?  How ever the boots came about, it was awesome!

The ones who really knew what they were doing were the people who just came for the free dinner and drinks, there was no effort in their holiday garb and as soon as the last bite of prime rib was consumed they were no where to be seen! They even ditched before the raffle! Too bad, cause they missed out on limousine rides and blue ray DVD players. After not winning the blue ray player, Ally promptly tells the man who did win it, that too bad the blue ray player will be obsolete soon because everything will be on USB players. Way to be a good sport Ally.
Ally, Dixie, Amy

Being the stars that we are some of us gals decided to do some karaoke, so a couple of us sang some songs and rocked the house, call it conceit, call it narcissism, but we were the best looking and the most fun at the party, we even managed to make a few new friends. So we mingled we drank we ate and we danced, we made polite conversation and we snickered along with the crowd as the drunk girl fell trying to sit in her chair but missing completely. This was the first of hopefully many holiday parties this season, I cant wait for the next event of merriment and intoxication.