Sunday, August 28, 2011

Thinking about the future!

School has started! I am about 2 weeks in and so far having a great time, mostly. I forgot how adorable/annoying young college students can be when they are just figuring out how to practically use their new found knowledge. Trying to use the new large words they have just learned in every day sentences even if they don't quite fit, well at least they are giving it some effort! There is always a different atmosphere in each class and I am finding my favorite to be my online classes. It could be students are less reserved behind a computer rather than a desk. The best discussions are in my weird science class. I am really enjoying this class! Critical thinking and psuedoscience, it is questioning everything we have learned to believe and it is giving us a chance to re-evaluate our thinking!

My film and humanities class is fun but I don't think I will ever become a film critic, I love movies too much! I even find the flaws to be endearing in ways because they mirror the flaws in humanity. I might enjoy the independent soulful movies in a different way than the hit-em-hard blockbusters, but i can still enjoy the latter for the little thrill it gives me and the rush of sensory overload I experience while watching it. I guess the only movies I don't watch or can't enjoy are the overly sadistic horror films those are just not for me. I seem to mostly relate to the love stories these days as my life seems to be folding out into one.

Short blog for today! But I will check back in soon regarding my garden, it is surely growing and growing!