Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Opinion Of the Voter

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Well we are heading in to election season and everyone is all fired up about their voting choices. People can be so passionate about what they believe to be right, that sometimes they forget that the core essence of America, is that we all have the right, to be "right". I have been accused of being dispassionate and even apathetic when it comes to politics, gaining years, I have gained experience. I have learned that just because I have been given a label, that doesn't mean I have to wear it especially if it doesn't fit. I can make my own fashion choices.

 It is not that I am dispassionate about politics, I just view it as another choice in life that I need to make. When I go to the grocery store I have to decide whether to have chicken or beef for dinner. I weigh the information, cost, other ingredients or preparations I might need, health, cravings and so on. Once I have made my choice, I do not feel the need to make sure the next shoppers follow my lead. Chicken or beef? Both are good choices, maybe I just have a preference for chicken as it offers more of the qualities I am looking for, its healthy, leftovers save well for lunches, it is easy to prepare. This doesn't mean I need to start an online campaign against beef. I don't need to go on Facebook and warn all of my friends and Family that beef is the meat of the devil. I don't need to tell my fellow shoppers that the beef is the wrong choice as it is less healthy and is hard for the body to digest. What is true for me and my choice for chicken may not be the same for others. What if the shopper is anemic? And her nutritionist has recommended that she consume iron rich beef? Well then how is it my place to push chicken on her?
Photo credit Propaganda Times

Voting is the same for me in this way. I feel that I have the same access to the same information that every one does and that I can make my own decision. By the same token, I think that every one has the same information that I have access to and that they can make their own decisions. It isn't up to me to do the campaigning, unless of course they hire my company to help them with their campaign. But my personal help isn't required, it is our politicians duty to present us with the information that we need to make the choice that we believe is right. If you are a politician then you should absolutely campaign and make speeches and teach our communities what you stand for and how you can serve us to the best of your ability. I am not saying that the general public should remain completely uninvolved, if someone asks you for information, or holds you in high esteem and asks your opinion to help form your own then, of course you should inform them. Keep in mind, to inform is different than to manipulate or create bias. If you truly believe in a candidate then donate money to their campaign, it is not up to you to represent them, but that doesn't mean you can't assist them.

I realize that politics is much more involved than this and honestly I think that is where some of the biggest hindrances lie. The current system is really not conducive to the education of the general population, it seems to be a game played by the masters, who sway the unknowing. I cant seem to find a purpose for this game, as it seems that no one actually wins, and nothing ever really seems to be happening, but then I realize it all must be about power and money. Power I have no use for as I am very aware of the strain and accountability it comes with which I have never been able to ignore. And money, although it is quite  useful , much of it has never really made it to me so I have no blood lust for it. Maybe this is why the purpose of the game eludes me. It is quite impossible to be a competitor in a game that has no interest for you.

If I have a passionate voice to say anything it is this, educate yourself, ask questions, then question the answers. Make your own choice and foster the practice that allows everyone else maintain their right to make theirs.We are all Americans, United States Citizens, respect our individual rights to make our vote for our choice.

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