Monday, July 25, 2011

I just finished a super great book, called The honey Book.

It went over the different historical importance of honey and how our knowledge of bees has evolved to where we are now able to keep them and harvest they honey for its yummy sweet goodness! My interest in bees started when Roy and I decided we wanted to try Mead, honey wine, So we went to the store and we couldn't find it, then we tried a couple other places and had no luck there either. It seemed so strange to us that one of the oldest forms of alcohol was not very easy to come by! So then Roy and I got to thinking, Well why couldn't we make our own mead?
So we Googled it of course and we found that it seemed like it would be quite easy to make! the only thing is that it takes about 6 months to a year to ferment, knowing that we decided we would want to make a large batch. We figured it would probably be delicious and we would most likely be bummed if we had to wait another 6 months to have more, so this means we needed quite a bit of honey and as it turns out honey is very expensive! So we thought maybe it would be great to have our own bee hive. So we have been gathering some info here and there and that is why I just read the honey book.  I really learned quite a bit actually!

 So we do have a future goal and are hoping very much to cultivate a hive and make some honey! After learning about how bees make honey and how industrious they are I just really have a new respect for what honey is and now I am so excited start a hive with Roy!

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