Sunday, January 16, 2011

Some things that go up, Just wont come down!
 I just spent the last two days shouting up a tree, at a very scared and stubborn kitten! I have a fondness for most every little furry creature that crosses my path, maybe not the scavenger types that carry diseases, but definitely the domesticated little sweets that I call my pets! However it seems that my affections and well performance in my duties to Nermals care were not enough to persuade her to behave. I have always had a hard time dealing with the hardship of my pets, but this was especially terrible! Poor little Nermal was stuck 45 feet up a tree for two days, one of which was particularly stormy and wet! I had been calling her and she was responding but I couldn't quite tell where the meowing was coming from. I eventually got a call from the humane society, a woman had called because there was a kitten in her tree, and they tracked me down! When I got there she was only about 20 feet up the tree, I hurried home and changed out of my stockings and into my tree climbing outfit. I got about 15 feet up, and Nermal started going up further. I didn't think I could get any higher safely since I don't seem to have enough upper body strength. The women from the Humane society were so helpful and supportive and wonderful! I really appreciate everything that they did for me and little Nermal!
After being in the tree for two days nermal did not come down, she just kept going up! We tried calling the fire department but that turned out to be completely un-helpful! The only response that we got from them was that you don't never find a cat skeleton in a tree. Very un-helpful, and insensitive! So the wonderful ladies called North State Tree Service and they sent a hero up the tree he climbed nearly to the tip top! He was very sweet to little nermal, he managed to snag her and secure her in a bag that he lowered down! Nermal and I were so grateful to him! When i got her in the house and out of the bag, she was so happy! She started purring immediately and she went and knocked her food bowl over. She was all skinny and starving! I was so happy when i help her close and cuddled her to me she smelled like a pine tree! No wonder since she was covered in tree sap!
Now she has been sleeping all day and eating so much! she is very happy to be home, thank you so much Mr. Hero!

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