Saturday, November 13, 2010

I met a band!

Such nice dudes!
Awesome! So I stopped at the gas station on my way to WEED today and as I was waiting I saw a group of guys get out of an SUV pulling a little U-haul trailer. They had a very specific look about them. I instantly thought “they must be in a band” so while I was sitting in the car, waiting for my passenger to get back, I decided I couldn’t stand not knowing for sure. When my passenger got in the car I asked “don’t they look like they are in a band?” and my mom said “yeah they do.” Ok so the passenger was my mom it kind of makes this story less cool, but what ever!  So I got out of the car and walked over to them. Poor guys probably just wanted to get some coffee. So I asked them and sure enough, it was The Ragged Jubilee, on their way to do a show in Portland they told me. So I pulled out my handy dandy Samsung digital camera with a front LCD screen and snapped this Picture!

So I hadn’t actually heard of them before. So after this chance encounter I googled them. I listened to some of their stuff and I think its pretty good! check it out you guys!


  1. Why are you making me read through jelly beans!

  2. Love it. Loved the writing and loved the jelly beans. I get it... the diversity of jelly beans parallels the diversity of human beans.
    I've added this to my bookmarks and will read frequently.
    Great job.
    Nic F.
