Thursday, November 18, 2010

 I went on a little exploring date with Roy, my number one Oregonian tour guide, and he showed me these way cool rock formations sprouting from the bed of Lake emigrant. They look kind of like pimple rocks pushing out of the crust of the earth. Unfortunately I am no geologist so this is as scientific as my theory gets. Well I have some other theories too but they aren't scientific at all. For instance, what if a family of gophers live below and they got the child gopher a trampoline for a gopher gift giving holiday. After all we cant be sure that gophers celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah, it could be some other super cool holiday that people haven't even heard of! We all know that gophers wear hard hats so maybe he just got some really great air and made a couple dents in the ceiling. Okay, the main reason of this gopher tirade is kind of to see if you guys are paying attention. 

They lake was drained really low so Roy and I were able to drive the jeep quite a bit of the way. I have complete confidence in Roy's driving skills however we were on quite a steep grade and the sand was very soft. I did panic for a second, well a couple of seconds,  I thought we were going in the lake, I was leaning pretty hard against the grade. Oh and there was mud flying everywhere! I was trying to figure out if I wanted my seat belt on or off? I didn't want to be tumbled around and wind up breaking bones if we rolled, but I also didn't want to get stuck upside down in the water and drown to death because I couldn't disengage the seat belt. Of course I asked this aloud, I was nearly sure I was a goner. My trusty guide and experienced all terrain driver, who is quite the gentleman, assured me that the situation was under control. He was laughing and seemed pretty relaxed, this gave me some comfort. After surviving the treacherous voyage through the valley  of quick sand, we had a nice little walk along the lake we found several very interesting rock formations, they kind of changed shape and pattern and consistency as we walked around. These were the most interesting ones.
Roy thought that these were some kind of volcanically activated rock eruptions. I think that is probably just as likely as my gopher theory. So you guys tell me what you think? Have you seen these kind of rock formations before? Have any insightful theories of your own?  Also thank you Roy for a wonderful adventure and a lovely picnic date.

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