Thursday, November 11, 2010

Very first Blog For Me!

I was looking for an opportunity to begin writing and publishing my work, it seems like this should be a great way to start. I have often been told that my humorous view is entertaining while enlightening at the same time. Hopefully I can just relay my usual banter of life and adjust my skills as a writer. I say adjust because I don't necessarily have enough modesty to assume that my skills need improvement. Just a few tweaks here and there to get them more perfect. I am sure my grammar could use the influence of someone who is highly anal to criticize and evaluate every error that I might blunder through. I happen to think that if i make my point in a sequence of words and symbols that is clear to the general audience then I have done well enough. So if you are agitated by my conjugated tense, then I have a rude and naughty proposition for your preposition. Stick it where you like...
I am also hoping this will be a great outlet for me to get some of my devious energy out, because while I am sure that my friends do truly enjoy my rants and raves, I am sure that they need a break.

1 comment:

  1. I just might be that anal type of person that you are referring to. Well, I most definitely AM that kind of person. Just so ya know, I see no glaring errors here. ;) Happy blogging! I've been thinking about starting one for a bit... Maybe I'll hop on the ol' bloggin' train too. Better than sitting around thinking "Hmm...maybe I should start my screenplay/novel/collection of short stories/book of poetry... Or maybe just watch some trashy TV... Yes... TV...MMMMMBLEEEHHHHH" (That last part is me descending into a TV coma of non-thought.)
