Sunday, November 14, 2010

Today this is how I will cook eggs!

My brother and I woke up today and decided we wanted to make a traditional breakfast of potatoes and eggs.  So we got started and realized we only had enough oil to make the potatoes, or the eggs. A simple solution would have been to go to the store to get more oil. However I was in PJ’s and he having recently turned 21 was hung-over as he is often these days. It seemed we had already decided on a lazy day. So brother started the potatoes and I jokingly suggested using the grilled cheese sandwich maker, but the more I thought about it the better it sounded. So I thought what the hay, I will give it a shot. And it worked! So awesome! Triangle shaped over medium eggs cooked perfectly! And not even a mess, I don’t know if I will ever cook eggs any other way.

After breakfast we watched the movie FROZEN, it was awful! If I didn’t have enough reasons to never go snowboarding I definitely do now...I am just saying, it was awful!


  1. Nah, you should go least once...

  2. Yeah, just let me know when you see Thirst.

  3. Snowboarding wasn't the villian, the evil chair lift was. You have to hike up and board down. Loads of exercise and virgin snow to boot. A great way to work off a breakfast of huevos triangular. Very innovative solution. That could be how you make your millions girlie!
