Saturday, November 13, 2010

Quality of life diminished by the risk of Cancer

I have been working in the health care industry for two years now, and I may be involved mainly in the front office workings, but I have learned a lot more than how to file records and submit insurance claims. Before I even sat at the reception desk in a doctors office I was prone to have hypochondriac delusions, for instance, the slightest pain in my side and I was sure that my appendix was rupturing and that I was about to die from the inside out. You would think that now, having worked in this field and seeing the rarity of these cases I wouldn't feel the dramatic urge to have my appendix removed before it would inevitably burst and kill me. I have on several occasions referred to my appendix as a ticking time bomb just waiting for me to go on vacation to a remote location with poor medical services and no cell phone range. This is just an example to illustrate how dramatically I value my health. However the only thing that I have found that has diminished my fear of dieing by sepsis due to my devious appendix leaking toxins into my vital organs, is my fear of cancer. It seems that this is a risk I face and the course of prevention is overwhelming!
So working in a wellness center, I am learning new and scary things every day. Once while using chap stick, the Doctor I work for said to me “What are you using? That has petroleum in it, it is toxic that is how you get cancer!” It was normal chap stick that everyone uses! I started wondering about my makeup, my lotions, soaps, hair products. The other day a man came in to the office and told me all about the chemical trails in the sky and how it was saturating our air with aluminum which is toxic. The latest scare I had was about birth control pills, I have been taking them for nine years, the Doctor I work for says that they are full of carcinogens that will give me breast cancer. Of course this is a terrifying thing to hear! I have read studies on both sides of that argument, here is the problem how can both studies be accurate if they say the complete opposite? I was talking to my girlfriend about it and she says “Well then you have two options, cancer or a baby, both are growths that you will have to learn to survive and live with.” Of course this is an awful statement but it has a bit of humor to it.
I am constantly bombarded with this issue as I am sure we all are. We all know someone who has or had cancer and it is a terrible affliction on the world. It seems prevention is key but how many plastic containers do you have to avoid, how much of the smoggy air can we filter, are there toxins in our fabric softener? The questions go on and on! I find myself spending so much time reading labels and questioning my deodorant, and I don’t mean if its doing its job and keeping me from smelling offensively. I feel like my obvious choices of cancer prevention aren’t good enough any more! I don’t smoke, I don’t eat processed foods, I stay away from MSG what ever that is. I don’t play with radiation and I try to avoid anything with a bio hazard symbol on it. I have a predisposition to worry frantically about my health and well being, so working in the healthcare industry has brought to light so many more worries for me! But worry in its self is a stress illness that causes other health problems! Outrageous! So here is the deal, I love fabric softener and I really doubt that something with a cuddly teddy bear as a mascot is going to give me a tumor that eats my insides, and if it does what is my quality of life with out soft fluffy towels? It is the duty of humanity to survive, whether it be black plague or small pox, or the toxins in our Evian bottles. Darwin said It was the survival of the fittest , so only the strongest of us shall survive the torments of the Snuggle Bear and hair gel!


  1. I've never thought to compare cancer to children before but you are quite altering growths!

  2. Dude, EVERY TIME I get a pain in my side I think it's my appendix and EVERY TIME I forget which side it is on and have to Google it...usually it's on the opposite side that hurts. But I am totally with you on this one. On top of all of the carcinogens around me I am also freaked out because my great-grandma on one side died of breast cancer and my mom had breast cancer. My sister and I figure at least one of us will probably get it... Although now that I'm trying to do the whole "positive thinking", "rule of attraction", The Secret thing I should really get that thought out of my head or I just might make it come true!
