Sunday, August 28, 2011

Thinking about the future!

School has started! I am about 2 weeks in and so far having a great time, mostly. I forgot how adorable/annoying young college students can be when they are just figuring out how to practically use their new found knowledge. Trying to use the new large words they have just learned in every day sentences even if they don't quite fit, well at least they are giving it some effort! There is always a different atmosphere in each class and I am finding my favorite to be my online classes. It could be students are less reserved behind a computer rather than a desk. The best discussions are in my weird science class. I am really enjoying this class! Critical thinking and psuedoscience, it is questioning everything we have learned to believe and it is giving us a chance to re-evaluate our thinking!

My film and humanities class is fun but I don't think I will ever become a film critic, I love movies too much! I even find the flaws to be endearing in ways because they mirror the flaws in humanity. I might enjoy the independent soulful movies in a different way than the hit-em-hard blockbusters, but i can still enjoy the latter for the little thrill it gives me and the rush of sensory overload I experience while watching it. I guess the only movies I don't watch or can't enjoy are the overly sadistic horror films those are just not for me. I seem to mostly relate to the love stories these days as my life seems to be folding out into one.

Short blog for today! But I will check back in soon regarding my garden, it is surely growing and growing!

Monday, July 25, 2011

I just finished a super great book, called The honey Book.

It went over the different historical importance of honey and how our knowledge of bees has evolved to where we are now able to keep them and harvest they honey for its yummy sweet goodness! My interest in bees started when Roy and I decided we wanted to try Mead, honey wine, So we went to the store and we couldn't find it, then we tried a couple other places and had no luck there either. It seemed so strange to us that one of the oldest forms of alcohol was not very easy to come by! So then Roy and I got to thinking, Well why couldn't we make our own mead?
So we Googled it of course and we found that it seemed like it would be quite easy to make! the only thing is that it takes about 6 months to a year to ferment, knowing that we decided we would want to make a large batch. We figured it would probably be delicious and we would most likely be bummed if we had to wait another 6 months to have more, so this means we needed quite a bit of honey and as it turns out honey is very expensive! So we thought maybe it would be great to have our own bee hive. So we have been gathering some info here and there and that is why I just read the honey book.  I really learned quite a bit actually!

 So we do have a future goal and are hoping very much to cultivate a hive and make some honey! After learning about how bees make honey and how industrious they are I just really have a new respect for what honey is and now I am so excited start a hive with Roy!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Joan Jett and the Black hearts!!!!!

So I saw Joan Jett and the black hearts last evening and it was pretty awesome! Such an amazing experience that I never expected! First of all thank you thank you to my amazing and wonderful boyfriend Roy! He knew I would love to go see the show and so he made the arrangements and it was really quite an amazing show!
Joan Jett is 44 yrs young and still rockin it like a boss! Her show was so awesome and entertaining, she sounded great and was really energetic! When she got on stage it was so exciting and the second she opened with bad reputation and I heard her voice I was just taken over. She had this huge voice, coming out of her small frame and some how it just managed to fill all of the empty space. Truly an experience of a lifetime!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Inspired to blog!

Take inspiration where you can get it! I always feel like I want to be more diligent about writing here! So Thank you GoallyRose for the sweet and all too true post and the inspiration to get writing!

I am embarking on a new journey! I am going back to School! I guess I have been feeling the urge to finish up my associates degree but I needed a little encouragement! And by little I mean it really didn't take much! Just an its-in-your-best-interest "suggestion" from my friends parents who think of me as their adopted mexican daughter to convince me that I really should do it, and now I cant wait for August 15th and the start of classes!!! I stopped going to school about 3 years ago, I was just so tired of supporting my self and focusing on my studies and my life needed some work. But now I am so excited because I feel like I am in a great place. I have a wonderful boyfriend who is so supportive and great and loving to me. And I have a great friend in Ally that I can be open with and rely on! I will try to be more academic in my endeavor to blog!

Monday, April 25, 2011

The allure of something new

One of the wonderful things about this world is that it is never too hard to find a new experience. All you really have to do is look around for it. This world is so big and diverse and full of wonder, I love to scout out new adventures that I can cherish and remember! If I would just be a little better about memorializing them in my blog I would be content. The great thing about this blog is that being here on the internet I can access it anywhere and wont misplace it under the bed like I have with various journals and diaries. Also unless the internet vanishes due to some crazy nerd apocalypse my words are stored here in virtual memory.
The thing that is even better than experiencing new things is having someone to share them with. It is so wonderful to have a partner in crime to go gallivanting with, It not only brings companionship but also a new perspective and way to experience things. So I am excited to embark on my future adventures with a man that  I love and trust and is ready and willing to explore the whole world with me.
So this is a continuation of an introduction to Roy, he is wonderful and full of life and a wonderful part of the Dixie experience!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Some things that go up, Just wont come down!
 I just spent the last two days shouting up a tree, at a very scared and stubborn kitten! I have a fondness for most every little furry creature that crosses my path, maybe not the scavenger types that carry diseases, but definitely the domesticated little sweets that I call my pets! However it seems that my affections and well performance in my duties to Nermals care were not enough to persuade her to behave. I have always had a hard time dealing with the hardship of my pets, but this was especially terrible! Poor little Nermal was stuck 45 feet up a tree for two days, one of which was particularly stormy and wet! I had been calling her and she was responding but I couldn't quite tell where the meowing was coming from. I eventually got a call from the humane society, a woman had called because there was a kitten in her tree, and they tracked me down! When I got there she was only about 20 feet up the tree, I hurried home and changed out of my stockings and into my tree climbing outfit. I got about 15 feet up, and Nermal started going up further. I didn't think I could get any higher safely since I don't seem to have enough upper body strength. The women from the Humane society were so helpful and supportive and wonderful! I really appreciate everything that they did for me and little Nermal!
After being in the tree for two days nermal did not come down, she just kept going up! We tried calling the fire department but that turned out to be completely un-helpful! The only response that we got from them was that you don't never find a cat skeleton in a tree. Very un-helpful, and insensitive! So the wonderful ladies called North State Tree Service and they sent a hero up the tree he climbed nearly to the tip top! He was very sweet to little nermal, he managed to snag her and secure her in a bag that he lowered down! Nermal and I were so grateful to him! When i got her in the house and out of the bag, she was so happy! She started purring immediately and she went and knocked her food bowl over. She was all skinny and starving! I was so happy when i help her close and cuddled her to me she smelled like a pine tree! No wonder since she was covered in tree sap!
Now she has been sleeping all day and eating so much! she is very happy to be home, thank you so much Mr. Hero!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My thoughts on the matter

I started writing this letter a couple years ago with a couple of friends, and I recently just added the finishing touches. I thought I would post it and see if there is any kind of response. Also I realized I have been doing more advertising for this blog than I am making it worth. So this is just an effort from me to give you all something more to read!

Endeavor Talent Agency
9701 Wilshire blvd. 10th floor
Beverly Hills, Ca 90212

Subject: Ray Liotta

To the endeavor talent agency, I send this plea. Stop. Please stop. Stop finding and fielding work for Ray Liotta. How much more can you subject us to his Flat Transparent acting? Its awful. Not only does his face inspire nausea, but the ridiculous color of his obviously fake tan makes any character he plays lose credibility. Ray Liotta is an undeniable offender to the American audience. While a good villain is essential in endearing the hero of a movie Ray Liotta’s over-acting causes such annoyance that the hero is hardly even noticed. So aside from over-stimulating the audiences gag reflex by offering non-stop tirades delivered by a pumpkin colored amateur, there is really no point in torturing the world with the visual atrociousness of his face.

P.S. I never actually sent this letter, because its pretty rude, and even though this is how i feel I am sure that looking in the mirror every morning is harsh enough for Mr. Liotta.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Its a new year!

Its a new year and I am excited, I have decided that as a new years resolution, I am going to be committed! Not in the HaHa-we-always-knew-you-were-crazy kind of way, but in a resolute and determined way to be committed to a standard of awesomeness. And the most important aspect of this commitment is to be MORE awesome than I was last year. Those of you who know me will say, whoa there, is that even possible? And this is what I will tell you, we will never know unless I give it a try! So importantly enough, this blog of mine needs more of a commitment from me, I will be determined to focus more time and energy on this blog that is the update central for the awesomeness that I exude. I want it to be a place that epicly describes and chronicles my awesomeness and the effects of my awesomeness! So if there are any comments or suggestions to help me in my commitment to being more awesome than ever, please leave them here for me! It is a time for planning and scheming, we are all facing a new year with new possibilities! I hope you all have grand adventures in mind, because with all the mystery surrounding 2012, who knows whats around the corner. Weather our time is limited by the impending doom of the  shallow foresight of the aztec calendar, or by the ending that we all eventually reach being that we are all mortal in this life, I believe that life seems not long enough, if you don't have plenty of adventures!